Puon Castro, YonatanJimenez Zamora, Monserrat2023-05-242023-05-242022-11https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/18471"Learning English is commonly seen as a necessary skill for academic and professional purposes. If we make a study of how many public or private schools have teachers trained to teach students with disabilities, we will realize that this number is zero, because Mexico is not an inclusive country, therefore there are no strategies that verify the teaching of English to disabled students. In this context, the present study seeks to identify the most appropriate didactic strategies to teach English to students with visual disabilities. A qualitative method approach was adopted, being a case study, using two interviews (teachers and students) with open questions. The participants were two teachers who teach people with visual problems, and three students with this condition. The main findings mainly indicate that teachers are not trained to teach students with SEN. With the help of the five strategies of Oxford (1990), we realized that the best strategy to teach students with visual problems is memorization, it is a strategy in which students learn with the help of teachers and peers to help them".pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAPersonas con discapacidad visual--EducaciónEducación inclusivaInglés--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior)--Estudio de casosAdquisición de segunda lenguaEducación--MetodologíaEstrategias de aprendizajeTeaching english to blind children: a case studyTesis de licenciaturaopenAccess