Merino Munive, SaraPérez Alamirra, Alfredo2021-08-242021-08-242016-05“The principal aim of this study is try to show the general overview about the use of mother tongue inside the classroom of second language and the main reasons and motivations to do it, besides to discover the causes to refuse to talk in second language (English), another aim that is try to discover is how the use of Spanish in the classroom affects the interaction in a positive or negative ways. The research data was collected by via questionnaire: in which students found closed and opened questions in order to know the opinions of pupils about the use of Spanish in a classroom of second language. The questionnaire was applied in a classroom of Lengua Meta IV in LEMO School where 14 pupils answered the proper questionnaire. It was found in the research that students disagree with the idea of use Spanish inside the classroom as the main language, but they agree with the idea to use Spanish to clarify or explain difficult concepts in English. Finally, it was found that the use of Spanish in the classroom seems like and obstacle to any students, especially those that have a higher level inside the classroom, the students that have problems with English language agree with the idea to use Spanish.”pdfspaHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAIngles--Estudio y EnseñanzaSegunda lengua--AdquisiciónIdioma español--Traducción al inglésAprendizaje conceptualThe use of mother tongue in a EFL classroomTesis de licenciaturaopenAccess