Rodríguez Cahuantzi, MarioLeón Monzón, IldefonsoRODRIGUEZ CAHUANTZI, MARIO; 209077LEON MONZON, ILDEFONSO; 122746Vásquez Beltrán, Yael Antonio2023-10-052023-10-052023-01"In recent years, the design of particle detectors has evolved alongside emerging technologies related to the detection of photons. At the same time, the complexity of collider experiments requires particle detectors whose time resolution is in the order of picoseconds. In this work, a study of the time resolution of particle detectors based on scintillating plastic and silicon photosensors (SiPM) is presented. The results are compared with the time resolution of similar detectors from CERN’s ALICE-LHC experiment".pdfengCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRAPartículas (Física nuclear)Detectores ópticos--MaterialesCentelladoresSilicioEmision espectroscopicaTime resolution of particle detectors based on scintillation photonsTesis de maestríaopenAccess