Bautista Guzmán, IraisFernández Téllez, ArturoBAUTISTA GUZMAN, IRAIS; 327027FERNANDEZ TELLEZ, ARTURO; 10068Alvarado García, Jesús Ricardo2023-12-112023-12-112023-07"Attempts to describe nuclear matter under extreme pressure and energy conditions are explored in this work. Different Monte Carlo studies are proposed to study the initial conditions in collisions of ions at relativistic energies where non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics phenomena become relevant. The structure of the medium formed in heavy ion collisions is examined within a model framework. The analysis focuses on the radial distribution function of the transverse representation of model-dependent color flux tubes, aiming to understand the medium’s structure. The findings reveal that the Color String Percolation Model (CSPM) exhibits ideal gas behavior. At the same time, its modified version, known as the core-shell CSPM (CSCSPM), induces a transition from a gas-like to a liquid-like structure. Similarly, the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework produces systems that resemble non-ideal gases for AuAu central collisions at RHIC energies and liquid-like structures for PbPb central collisions at LHC energies. On the other hand, the shear and bulk viscosity to entropy density ratios are calculated in the CSPM framework, the effects of system size, which deviate significantly from the thermodynamic limit, are considered".pdfengCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRAMateria nuclearPartículas (Física nuclear)--InvestigaciónColisión de iones pesados--InvestigaciónPlasma de quarks-gluonesMonte Carlo study of ion collisions from RHIC to LHC energiesTesis de doctoradoopenAccess