Tapia Carlín, Rebeca ElenaTAPIA CARLIN, REBECA ELENA; 251221Solís González, Ruhama Yaisaren2020-07-312020-07-312014https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/7008"The purpose of this paper is to identify 4 pre-service teachers‟ issues achieving a required level of proficiency at the Faculty of Languages. I decided to choose this topic because I consider this piece of investigation interesting and useful for teachers and students „professional enlargement and also because of “the lack of investigation in this transcendental issue” (Tapia, 2011) that influences directly the pre-service teachers` development as future English teachers. Moreover, it is expected that this analysis could reflect pre-service teachers‟ experiences acquiring the required level of language proficiency. Finally, the Faculty of Languages at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla was chosen for this research because of the nature of this investigation due to the fact that the inquiry involves the study of LEMO students` experiences."pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAInglés--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior)Inglés--Estudio y enseñanza--Hablantes extranjerosInglés--Exámenes, preguntas, etc.TOEFL (Examen de inglés como segunda lengua)Exámenes de inglés como lengua extranjeraLEMO students´ issues acquiring the required score on the TOEFL testTesis de licenciaturaRendimiento escolarBenemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Facultad de LenguasopenAccess