Cuatlapantzi Pichón, GicelaCuatlapantzi Pichón, Gicela; 0000-0003-4987-9805González Romero, Karla Andrea2024-06-272024-06-272024-02"In a world driven by globalization and the need to communicate in an international environment, pronunciation, along with other linguistic factors, plays an important role in the understanding of both the speaker and the listener. The following research project aims to analyze the benefits of acquiring an intelligible (understandable) pronunciation for nonnative English-speaking students, as well as the problems this process entails. Based on a review of literature on the importance of improving the pronunciation of the second language, the data was collected through a questionnaire that was administered to non-native English-speaking learners of an undergraduate program in English Language Teaching in a university in central Mexico. The results showed that among the most outstanding benefits were the following: job opportunities in and outside the country, avoiding misunderstandings, professionalism, and self-confidence. Regarding the problems that the acquisition of intelligibility entails, it was found that poor pronunciation instruction, characteristics of the mother tongue, and lack of motivation were the factors that hinder the correct acquisition of pronunciation in the second language".pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAInglés--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior)--Hablantes extranjerosAdquisición de segunda lengua--Estudios de casosInglés--Pronunciación de hablantes extranjerosInteligibilidad del hablaThe problems and benefits of acquiring intelligible pronunciation faced by Spanish-speaking ELT studentsTesis de licenciaturaopenAccess