Meneses Fabián, CruzMENESES FABIAN, CRUZ; 37296Flores Sandoval, Maricela2021-01-132021-01-132020-07“Considering the light diffraction, the spread of any light beam is affected taking place a widening of its transverse profile and with this, a decrease in light intensity. However, exist luminous beams that don’t show deformation at least at a typical distance, an example of these are the Bessel beams [1]. These special beams were called nondiffracting beams or invariant beams, they have immediate application in medicine, industry and calibration systems. However, special arrangements are required to generate them. This Master’s degree thesis work seeks to generate zero-order and first-order Bessel beams by the implementation of the Young interferometer of n-slits.”pdfspaCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRALuz--Transmisión--ExperimentosDifracciónFunciones de BesselEspectroscopía por transformada de FourierCoordenadas polaresHaces Bessel de orden cero y orden uno y el interferómetro de young de n-rendijasTesis de maestríaopenAccess