Tapia Carlín, RebecaCastro Flores, AlmaPeña Ariza, Areli2021-10-142021-10-142017-06https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/14723"The aim of this descriptive research was to analyze learners’ beliefs about writing errors and mistakes in Target Language V. The used instruments were; a questionnaire integrated by closed- ended questions and open- ended questions and short writing descriptions about Christmas’ vacation. The research findings showed that students may not make difference between errors and mistakes. Furthermore, the main intralingual errors were exploiting redundancy, misanalysis and false analogy while interlingual errors were not identified in the learners’ descriptions. Finally, the main mistakes found in writing were: something that has been left out, something is not necessary, the incorrect spelling and the wrong tense when conjugating a verb".pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAAdquisición de segunda lenguaLingüísticaEstrategias de aprendizajeAnálisis del discurso literarioAnalyzing learners' beliefs about writing errors and mistakesTesis de licenciaturaInglés escritoopenAccess