Dawe González, Arturo AlejandroGómez Soto, José ManuelMeneses Viveros, AmilcarGOMEZ SOTO, JOSE MANUEL; 35855MENESES VIVEROS, AMILCAR; 36877Roldán Palacios, Marisol2020-10-052020-10-052018-11https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/8129"It is a constant to keep separated physical objects from a possible abstract representation and trying to combine both sides of the same subject early at the beginning of an academic formation is not always achievable due to different factors. A flexagon is an object that anyone has access, to play or to study it, behind them a variety of apparently unrelated topics are combined subtly, a part of them closely related to computer science which motivates this work. Given that the field of study is extensive, a problem was posed, closure property on proper flexagons. Such attribute was approached based on the grammar context and graph theory. In the way of solving the problem in question, the essential elements connected to it were exhibited, among which flexagon maps, graphs, duals, normalization, and language theory were found."pdfengINGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍAComputación flexibleTeoría de grafosGeometría planaPolígonosClosure under substitution to Proper FlexagonsTesis de licenciaturaFlexibilidadopenAccess