Name Singer, Carmen AmiraAguilar Díaz, Dulce MaríaTirado Teodoro, Mónica2020-04-272020-04-272015-01"Learning a foreign language is not an easy process; it takes time, it requires the development of skills, and learning elements such as pronunciation‟s features. English as a Foreign Language refers to the language that is learned in a context in which learners must do an extra effort in order to find more opportunities to practice the skills they are developing due to the fact that, they just have the chance of practicing inside their classrooms. In fact, at the faculty of languages, English learners, especially studying in a school like the LEMO BUAP in advanced level, usually are provided with knowledge about language in a pronunciation course. The aim of this research is focussed on teaching connected speech pronunciation. Pronunciation might be developed by learning phonetics and phonology. According to Yule (1996, p. 26) “phonetics is the general study of the characteristics of speech sounds. (...) articulatory phonetics, which is the study of how speech sounds are made, or articulated. Other areas of study are acoustic phonetics, which deals with the physical properties of speech as sound waves in the air, and auditory phonetics (or perceptual phonetics) which deals with the perception, via the ear, of speech sounds”."pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAInglés--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior)--Hablantes extranjerosInglés--Pronunciación--Estudio y enseñanzaInglés--Pronunciación para extranjerosInglés--Inglés habladoInglés--FonéticaInglés--FonologíaThe use of connected speech among modern language students at benemérita universidad autónoma de PueblaTesis de licenciaturaopenAccess