Flores González, NormaFlores González, Norma; 0000-0002-4967-8854Espejel Mejía, Oswaldo Esteban2025-03-202025-03-202024-11https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/27067“In fact, in different studies, precise information is not available about the level of linguistic competence that students have, both in English and their mother tongue because of the lack of adequate measures to evaluate this competence. Besides, the acquisition of a second language, being a complex process, depends on multiple and not only on the linguistic competence one has in the mother tongue. In addition, studies that have included observation of students in the classroom provide relevant information as they offer another perspective to understand the difficulties students may experience in writing. In this sense, cultural conflict and affective factors such as motivation seem to be critical, in addition to sociocultural factors that play a central role in influencing school experiences. Moreover, decision-making regarding this type of relocation is sometimes due to the confusion generated among teachers when discerning what has to do with the development and learning of a second language. Because of the above, this study is important since it proposes a digital tool to develop writing competence at academic levels for students in higher education”.pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAFilología y lengua inglesa--Inglés moderno--Lengua--Estudio y enseñanzaInglés--Inglés escrito--Estudio y enseñanza (Suerior)--Hablantes extranjerosEstrategias de aprendizaje--Estudio de casosTecnología educativaEntornos virtuales compartidosPadlet as a tool to foster writing in an EFL classroomTesis de licenciaturaopenAccess