Tapia Carlín, Rebeca ElenaTAPIA CARLIN, REBECA ELENA; 251221Cabrera Mauleón, Edgar2020-09-102020-09-102018-05https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/7734"Both music and language keep a deep and close relationship in the way they are learned. When a language is acquired, children are exposed to a wide variety of language features. People all over the world possess a characteristic hallmark which varies from place to place. Regardless the culture, the country; it is required to be exposed to different features or the language, such as: melodic recognition, contour processing, timbre discrimination, rhythm, tonality, prediction, and perception of the sight, sound, and form of symbols in context. The aim of this study is to describe how songs influences children from kindergarten in the learning vocabulary process."pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAInglés--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar)--InvestigaciónInglés--Estudio y enseñanza--Hablantes extranjerosAdquisición de segunda lengua--InvestigaciónVocabularioEnseñanza--Materiales auxiliaresInglés--Estudio y enseñanza--Auxiliares audiovisualesMúsica en la educaciónKindergarten learning vocabulary process: the effect of songs contentTesis de licenciaturaopenAccess