García García, María LuisaGarrido Ham, Juan Manuel2020-04-172020-04-172014-10"During these past seven years of work at “Centro Especializado de Idiomas GARHAM”, many students have succeeded in their studies, they have learned and improved their skills in a very satisfactory way taking classes and participating in conversation workshops and other activities. Some of them have gotten certificates in KET, PET and FCE, but there are others who have not succeeded after one or two years of work, show little progress despite the fact that they work hard in class. In most of the cases, these students are adults; people who work, have a family and a little time to study English. Some of the students quit their studies, others continue working. This study focuses on both groups of students who have succeeded and those who have encountered difficulties when they try to learn a new language."pdfspaCIENCIAS SOCIALESAdquisición de segunda lenguaMotivación en la educaciónEducación de adultos--México--PueblaEscuelas privadasFactors that affect and encourage EFL learning process in “Centro de Idiomas Garham"Tesis de licenciaturaopenAccess