Domínguez Jiménez, Miguel ÁngelDOMINGUEZ JIMENEZ, MIGUEL ANGEL; 160547Cerón García, Sonia Patricia2024-10-032024-10-032024"Printed electronics is a technology based on the deposition of films of conductive, dielectric, or semiconductor materials using printing mechanisms, called contact and non-contact, which are characterized by being fast, controllable and compatible with low-cost techniques, and with the use of flexible substrates made of natural and synthetic polymeric structures, attracting attention of the scientific community. In printed electronic technology, the use of functional and printable inks contributes to the quality of conductive contacts. The composition of the inks is mainly based on the presence of metallic nanoparticles dispersed in different organic solvents that provide stability and resistance to oxidation, resulting as a favorable electrical behavior for a printed circuit. In this dissertation, the synthesis of a conductive ink based on silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), obtained by the chemical reduction method for the fabrication of conductive patterns deposited by direct deposition printing techniques, is demonstrated. The significant finding of this work lies in the optimization of the synthesis method and the eco-friendly reagents, where it was found that there is a preferential concentration for growth, size distribution, stability, and growth control through the addition of a limiting reagent".pdfengCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRAIngeniería eléctrica--Dispositivos para la producción de electricidad mediante conversión directa de energía--Producción de electricidad directamente a partir de la acción química--Otras baterías especiales o materiales de almacenamiento de energía--Materiales nanoestructuradosAparatos e instrumentos electrónicos--Diseño y construcciónMateriales nanoestructurados--SíntesisTinta--ExperimentosSolution-processed electrodes for printed electronicsTesis de doctoradoopenAccess