Guillén Galván, CarlosGUILLEN GALVAN, CARLOS; 78563Carranza Cisneros, Ángeles2022-05-232022-05-232021-11"The use of the computer has become an instrument of great value in all areas of knowledge and, as expected, computing devices cannot be separated from the software, that is, from the algorithmic part. By using a software system, one hopes to get answers in “real time”, this means, obtaining the desired results when the user requires it. The response in real time is related to the concepts of efficiency and tractability of the algorithms, concepts that are directly related to the time and space that the algorithms need to perform a given task. Time is specially considered very important in many problems that require algorithmic solutions. Space, in many cases, can pass to second term due to the technological advance of the memory devices that day to day offer greater capacity of storage, in contrast to the speed of the more advanced processors that do not keep the same growth rate".pdfengCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRAComplejidad computacionalRestricciones (Inteligencia artificial)--InvestigaciónÁlgebra booleanaHipergrafosÁrboles (Teoría de grafos)--InvestigaciónHypertree decompositionsTesis de maestríaMatemáticas computacionalesopenAccess