Amador Cruz, Juan AlbertoAMADOR CRUZ, JUAN ALBERTO; 396413Mendoza González, Ximena2020-02-212020-02-212019-11"It is known that when students learn a new language, it is common to have difficulties during the process of learning. In order to positively deal with difficulties, it is necessary to apply learning strategies (Oxford, 1990). This qualitative research sets up the following purposes: first, to find out the main difficulties that Japanese learners of Spanish as a foreign language have. Second, to know the strategies that students use to overcome their difficulties. The research setting is the Faculty of Languages at BUAP. The participants are Japanese students who came to the university as part of an academic exchange. They study Spanish as a foreign language at the University Language Center. At the moment of the research, students were attending intermediate and advanced Spanish lessons (B1-B2 according to CELE programs based on The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The data collection was carried out through a semi structured interview which contained seven questions."engHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAEspañol--Estudio y enseñanzaEstrategias de aprendizajeAdquisición de segunda lenguaBenemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras--Alumnos extranjerosStrategies implemented by japanese students to overcome difficulties when learning spanish in MexicoTesis de licenciaturaPsicología del aprendizajeEstudiantes japoneses--Vida social y costumbresopenAccess