Izrailev Mikhailovich, FélixLuca Celardo, GiuseppeMailoud Sekkouri, Samy2022-03-252022-03-252021-06https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/15687"In this thesis we continue the study of the quench dynamics, payingattention to the new question of the relevance between the diagonalentropy related to an initially excited state, and the thermodynamicentropy emerging in the process of thermalization. We show numer-ically and describe semi-analytically that there is a one-to-one corre-spondence between them, with some corrections due to the differentsize between interacting and non-interacting energy spectra. This re-markable result holds both for the TBRI model with finite number ofbosons, and for the model originated from the celebrated Lieb-Liniger(LL) model".pdfengCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRAEntropía--MatemáticasMecánica estadísticaTermodinámicaDynamical aspects of thermalization in isolated systems of interacting Bose particlesTesis de doctoradoopenAccessModelo de Lieb-Liniger