Encinas Prudencio, María Teresa FátimaMorfinez Cortés, Edgar2019-05-092019-05-092017-11https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/604"This thesis reports an exploratory case study of the use of dialogues in a group-based thesis supervision process in an English language teaching master’s programme in a public mexican university. The main purpose of this study was to investigate how these dialogical interactions occurred and how they influenced participants’ perspectives on this experience. The data were collected via observations, interviews, and a focus group. Observations were carried out throughout the 2016 autumn semester and focused on a 7-student group under thesis supervision. A focus group and individual interviews were done to further understand dialogue occurrences and influence on participants’ perceptions".pdfspaHumanidades y Ciencias de la ConductaEducación superior--Preparación de tesisRelaciones maestro-estudianteAnálisis de la interacción en la educaciónDialogue in ELT group-based thesis supervision: an exploratory case studyTesisTesis y disertaciones académicasComunicación en educaciónopenAccess