Castineira Benítez, Teresa AuroraCastineira Benítez, Teresa Aurora;*CA1238945Díaz Witten, Sheila Diana2020-02-192020-02-192019-11 the affective impact that grades have on children/parent relationships This case study examined parents’ opinions, feelings and views in regards to their elementary school children’s grades. Children’s feelings and emotions were also considered. Parents from upper middle class level, whose children have had successful and unsuccessful grades, were selected to take part in this investigation. This research study includes students from several private primary bilingual schools in Central Mexico.pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTACalificaciones y marcas (Estudiantes)Mediciones y pruebas educativasPsicopedagogíaExploring the affective impact that grades have on children/parent relationshipsTesis de maestríaEmociones y cogniciónPsicología escolaropenAccess