Flores Salgado, ElizabethFLORES SALGADO, ELIZABETH; 250821Castro González, Rogelio Luis2020-12-022020-12-022015-12https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/9485“Nowadays it is very important to any university student to learn a foreign language. Transnational corporations are increasing in our country and their needs carry out the hiring of professional employees that use a universal language. Robinson (1998) points out, each year, more students choose to study English language, many of them because they need to use English in their work. Many of those students have very specific reasons for wanting to improve their language skills: for these students, courses that fall under the heading English for Specific Purpose (ESP) hold a particular appeal. In Mexico just the 13% of population speak English according to Mitofsky survey applied in 2013 it‟s a controversial fact and specialized and technical English language is less common. Due to the globalization, English has been used as an international language, and has affected many domains of life and society, one amazing impact is in science and technology, the achievements and developments have involved English language as a powerful tool to share information and breakthroughs and Internet has a star role in this. In deed English has become “the established language of science and technology” (FortanetGomez and Raisanen, 2008 cited by Vaičiūnienė and Užpalienė, 2010)”.pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAInglés--Estudio y enseñanzaInglés técnicoMetodología de enseñanzaA need analysis for an esp course applied to industrial engineersTesis de licenciaturaInglés--GlobalizaciónopenAccess