Silva Ortigoza, GilbertoSILVA ORTIGOZA, GILBERTO; 12295González Juárez, Adriana2021-10-252021-10-252021-06“The present thesis is the study of: the physics that characterizes the Bessel beams, the behavior of the reected radiation by a parabolic mirror considering inclined incident light rays and Kirchho's diraction theory applied to the phenomenon of reection of light ray by a parabolic mirror, in particular that of the LMT/GTM antenna. It is shown that adiractional beams which are invariant under translations along the axis of propagation, are characterized by a family of wavefronts and a caustic, and it is found that the caustic qualitatively coincides with the absolute maximum of the intensity pattern. Then, expressions for: the incident light rays and wavefronts, the reected light rays, the reected wavefronts, the caustic and the ronchigram have been ob- tained; those general results are applied to the parameters of the antenna of the LMT/GTM and it is shown that the caustic has a singularity of the hyperbolic umbilic type, which is locally stable under small perturbations of the optical system. The results presented could be associated to the radiation of a static source, in the geometrical optics limit. Finally, an expression for the intensity pattern associated with the reection of a Bessel beam of order m by the LMT/GTM antenna has been determined; the preliminary results are presented”.pdfengCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRAÓptica físicaA model of the radiation emitted by a source in the vicinity of a Kerr black holeTesis de doctoradoAstronomía--ObservacionesopenAccessLarge Millimeter TelescopeHaz de Bessel