Flores Salgado, ElizabethFLORES SALGADO, ELIZABETH; 250821Maldonado Morales, JacobFlores Salgado, Elizabeth2021-01-262021-01-262020https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/10196“At present, we are living in a globalized world where communication between people from different countries using a lingua franca or a second language is becoming a common phenomenon. Crystal (2003) indicates that English is now the first global lingua franca and that it is probably affecting various areas, from daily news to education. We have to remark that individuals speak and use different languages depending on the society they belong to in spite of the influence of a lingua franca (Mahmoud, 2014). This makes people acquire a language and its system features, both linguistic and pragmatic, based on their daily communicative encounters (Diaz Perez, 2001). For this reason, the process of learning a second language is definitely seen as an interesting area of study, since it becomes relevant not only for understanding linguistic components like grammar rules or syntax, but also to figure out how well language learners perform in real communicative contexts by conveying messages successfully while using a foreign language as well as the relationship between the language use and the communicative encounters. Therefore, the concepts competent speaker, communicative competence as well as pragmatic competence gain importance in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in academic contexts. Then, it is imperative to define who a competent speaker.”pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAInglés--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior)--Hablantes extranjeros--InvestigaciónAdquisición de segunda lengua--Estudio de casosCompetencia comunicativa--InvestigaciónPragmática (Lingüística)Comunicación y culturaComunicación interculturalA cross-linguistic study of the pragmatics of requests by students of the ba english teaching proramam at BUAPTesis de maestríaopenAccess