Hernández Grande, AmeliaÁvila Rodríguez, Gerson Antonio2023-12-082023-12-082023-05https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/19640"The present research project arose from the interest in knowing the reasons students at the LEI BA program come to the point where they desire to drop out from the major but also the reasons for not engaging such behavior. The context where it took place was at the faculty of languages, BUAP. More specifically, the target population included all those students who entered the major from year 2016 because it was the year the curricular plan was changed. In order to meet the research objectives and answer the research questions, this study followed a qualitative approach. Therefore, different techniques, strategies and instruments that are usually used for qualitative studies were applied in this study as well. Findings revealed 32 reasons that are related to students’ desire to drop out from the LEI program. 59.3 % of the reasons could be included within a category related to the individual aspect, 12.5% of the reasons could be included within the category related to the family aspect, 9.3% have to do with the school aspect and finally 18.7% of these reasons were related to the social aspect".pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAInglés--Estudio y enseñanza (superior)--Hablantes extranjeros--Estudios de casosRendimiento académicoAsistencia escolarDeserción escolarEstudiantes--ActitudesEstudiantes--Aspectos socialesExploring students’ possible reasons to drop out and their reasons to persist at the LEI BA programTesis de licenciaturaopenAccess