Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, BenjaminGUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ, BENJAMIN; 46981Camacho Flores, MaricarmenSolano Hernández, Cecilia2020-07-302020-07-302014-12"In order to identify if the Macuil Xóchitl A.C. students have a real need to be taught by mean of using EAP courses in order to be more successful in their academic area, it has been proposed a Needs Analysis focused on EAP characteristics based on students’ perception with the purpose of analyzing what the student’s real needs from Lic. en Danza Folklórica are. Our project is mainly a Needs Analysis based on and adapted to the Munbian Communication Needs Processor (CNP), which contains important aspects that support the needs profile of students."pdfengHUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS DE LA CONDUCTAEstudiantes universitarios--México--PueblaDanza folklorica--Estudio y enseñanza--MéxicoAnálisis de necesidades--Estudio de casosInglés--Estudio y enseñanza (Superior)Inglés--Estudio y enseñanza--Hablantes extranjerosAdquisición de segunda lengua--Estudio de casosA needs analysis focused on EAP characteristics base on student`s perception at Macuil Xóchilt SchoolTesis de licenciaturaopenAccess