Bautista Guzmán, IraísSalazar Ibargüen, Humberto AntonioBAUTISTA GUZMAN, IRAIS; 327027SALAZAR IBARGUEN, HUMBERTO ANTONIO; 457Neri Huerta, Fernando Enrique2024-01-242024-01-242023-07"This project proposes a study of the fluctuations of the initial state in collisions of pp (proton proton), pP b (proton-lead) and P bP b (lead-lead) at the energies of the Large Hadron Collider. (LHC) as a way of analyzing the state that is formed in the high multiplicity events of these systems and the relationship with the Quarks and Gluon Plasma (QGP). In particular, to study the effect of fluctuations that are associated with the initial state, such as fluctuations in the multiplicity spectrum. This allows analyzing the temperature and energy density, as well as the possible characterisation by species, locally and globally for each collision event. The analysis is presented under the Color String Percolation Model (CSPM), as a proposal for transverse momentum fluctuations and is compared with the Tsallis distribution, given the successful representation with which they recreate the transverse momentum spectra for hadrons in pp collisions and heavy ions".pdfengCIENCIAS FÍSICO MATEMÁTICAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRAPartículas (Física nuclear)--InvestigaciónGran colisionador de hadrones (Francia y Suiza)Colisiones (Física nuclear)Colisión de iones pesados--InvestigaciónInteracciones protón-protónPlasma quark-gluónFluctuaciones (Física)Study of initial state fluctuations in pp and pPb as non-equilibrium systemsTesis de maestríaopenAccess