Téllez Méndez, NallelyCorro, GriselBustillo Diaz, Mario Mauricio2023-03-302023-03-302010-12https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/18110"In this study, we investigated the activity of pre-sulfated 1%Pt–2%Sn/γ–Al2O3 on the catalytic abatement of the combustion emissions of three fuels: pure diesel E(0), pure bioethanol E(100) and bioethanol blended diesel containing 10% bioethanol E(10). The emissions generated, by each blend combustion, were conducted continuously to the catalyst sample. The catalytic activity was determined by following the evolution of the outflow emissions concentrations by FTIR gas spectroscopy as a function of the catalyst temperature. Results showed that the addition of bioethanol to diesel may be necessary to enhance the catalytic oxidation of diesel unburned hydrocarbons and particulate matter on pre-sulfated 1%Pt–2%Sn/γ–Al2O3".engBioethanolDiesel/bioethanolEmissions abatementAn investigation of the catalytic abatement of emissions from the combustion of diesel/bioethanol blendsArtículoopenAccess