Hermosillo Abundis, Ana CristinaMendez Balbuena, IgnacioBonilla Sánchez, María del RosarioGarcía Flores, Marco AntonioLemuz López, RafaelHernández Andrade, LoydaBetancourt Navarrete, Brenda LeslyRuge, DianeTrenado, CarlosPelayo González, Héctor JuanLópez Cortés, Vicente Arturo2023-03-302023-03-302022-05-13https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12371/18109"Among neurodevelopmental disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the main cause of school failure in children. Notably, visuospatial dysfunction has also been empha sized as a leading cause of low cognitive performance in children with ADHD. Consequently, the present study aimed to identify ADHD-related changes in electroencephalography (EEG) characteris tics, associated with visual object processing in school-aged children. We performed Multichannel EEG recordings in 16-year-old children undergoing Navon’s visual object processing paradigm. We mapped global coherence during the processing of local and global visual stimuli that were consistent, inconsistent, or neutral. We found that Children with ADHD showed significant differences in global weighted coherence during the processing of local and global inconsistent visual stimuli and longer response times in comparison to the control group. Delta and theta EEG bands highlighted important features for classification in both groups. Thus, we advocate EEG coherence and low-frequency EEG spectral power as prospective markers of visual processing deficit in ADHD. Our results have implica tions for the development of diagnostic interventions in ADHD and provide a deeper understanding of the factors leading to low performance in school-aged children".engADHDEEGCoherenceVisual perceptionSchool-aged childrenEEG global coherence in scholar ADHD children during visual object processingArtículoopenAccess