Novice and experienced teachers’ beliefs about the role of lesson plans to ensure a successful class

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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
"This research intends to help novice and current teachers to be aware about the effectiveness of the activities they state in their Lesson Plans (LPs) to achieve their goals. Thus, this research is destined to go through all the aspects to identify activities patterns to reach the desired goal. TEAL Center Staff (2010) explains that objectives are critical to effective instruction and they help teachers to plan the instructional strategies and activities they will use, including the materials and resources to support learning. Therefore, this research will help novice teachers to scrutinize if their objectives in each class are clear and achievable when developing their activities, which in the end, are relevant to reach the intended learning outcome. 7 To sum up, this research is important because it might help EFL teachers, novice or experienced, to identify a pattern between them. Also, this research will intend to identify stated objectives between novice and experienced teachers and the effectiveness of their activities. In other words, both novice and experienced teacher’s LPs will be compared and analyzed to look similarities and differences".
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