Study of the event plane resolution in Au-Au collisions with the Beam Monitor Detector of MPD-NICA at JINR

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“There are two important observables in heavy ion collisions: the impact parameter and the event plane resolution. The reaction plane, is a plane made from the direction of the impact parameter (x-axis) and the beam direction (z-axis). Experimentally, the event plane that is measured is an approach to the reaction plane. The aim of this thesis is to obtain the event plane resolution, using the Beam on Beam Monitoring Detector (BE-BE) of the MexNICA collaboration for the Multipurpose Detector (MPD) experiment of NICA at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), it consists of two detectors: BE-BE. A and BE-BE C each one located 2 meters apart on both sides of the interaction spot along the beam pipe. The inclusion of a detector capable to monitor the beam activity is desirable in collider experiments, during commissioning or regular operations. With the information provided with the detector, it could be possible to setup a trigger system to identify and discriminate beam-beam minimum bias or centrality events from background and beam-gas interactions. In addition, these types of systems can be used to aid the reconstruction of physical observables of interest in heavy-ion collisions”.
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