Exploring senior citizens´insights about learning english as a foreign language
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"This study aims to explore seven senior citizens’ insights toward learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in central México. The purpose is to identify their beliefs, attitudes and experiences about EFL. I specifically compare in detail senior citizens’ insights who did not have the opportunity to receive basic formal education with those who did.
The paper aims to answer the following research questions:
1. What are senior citizens’ perceptions toward learning EFL?
2. How are senior citizens’ emotional dispositions towards learning EFL expressed according to the Appraisal framework?
Following the qualitative paradigm, this is a case study (Creswell, 2009), where historical and cultural contexts that people inhabit are explored and interpreted to capture the complexity of the problem (Ibid. 2009). To enlighten the interpretation of the data the Appraisal System (Martin & White, 2005) has been chosen as an analytical tool. The affect sub-system is used to classify participants’ perceptions toward EFL under the categories: dis/inclination, un/happiness, dis/satisfaction and in/security."
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