Materials that enhance 6th grade elementary school students vocabulary learning
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“Teaching english is a challenge for elementary school teachers. Materials are a useful tool for teachers who teach English in primary school and also for students because materials help both of them to make the teaching-learning process easier and more meaningful. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the materials that were helpful to elementary school teachers. This study was based on a mixed method approach and answered the following research questions: one what kind of materials are useful to improve 6th grade students’ elementary school vocabulary learning? Two how do materials help students to learn vocabulary in english classes? Then, the most frequent materials were collected via an observation format and a questionnaire to identify the most used ones and to explore their appropriacy and effectiveness.
Learning english has become a challenge for teachers and even for students, but at the present time the use of materials becomes easier to teachers to enhance students of elementary school to learn english in a meaningful way, for this reason didactic resources and materials have to motivate students to learn. Didactic materials include anything which can be used to facilitate the learning of a language”.
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