Fanfiction through an appraisal lens
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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
"This study examines how feelings and emotions are expressed in fanfiction texts written by both native and non-native speakers. Our analysis is based on the Appraisal framework by Martin and White (2005). We focus on the appraisal sub-system of “attitude” and its various domains of “affect,” “judgement,” and “appreciation.” Five texts based on the Supergirl (2015) TV show will be examined. Fanfiction is a narrative, imaginary online genre whereby authors/fans create their own stories based on pre-existing plots and characters, taking them in different directions. The data obtained is analyzed through a coding system whereby excerpts from each story are placed under the main categories of “affect,” identifying the lexical items that belong to the sub-categories of (un)happiness, (in)security, (dis)satisfaction) and (dis)inclination. The same procedure is followed with “judgement” and its sub-categories of “social esteem” (normality, capacity, and tenacity) and “social sanction” (veracity and propriety). Finally, the corresponding lexical items are categorized under ‘appreciation’ and its sub-categories of “reaction,” “composition,” and “valuation.” This investigation also seeks to identify similarities and/or differences in expressing feelings and emotions between native and non-native authors. Finally, we will argue that fanfiction texts may be helpful as second language writing teaching/learning tools".
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