Vocabulary learning in english proficiency

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“Vocabulary is the core of a language (Lewis, 1993). Learning a second language today is significantly important for adults as well as young learners. In order to master a foreign language, learners should take into account that vocabulary growth has a great influence on english proficiency. Many students have to take an english proficiency test to obtain national or international proficiency recognition of it. Passing an English proficiency test indicates that you are able to communicate in the language in a certain level or specific contexts. A personal experience while studying the LEI degree is that I had to take subjects only dealing with grammatical structures and some others dealt with culture, research and humanities. Although there are subjects to increase the lexicon, not all teachers deal with translation or etymologies. As a result, some teachers are not concerned about the importance of learning vocabulary, but only on “well-structured” grammar. It is then that Lewis (1993) proposes that vocabulary learning must be carried out in clases”.
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