Development of pronunciation and vocabulary through Busuu app in university learners

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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
"This research project focuses on developing pronunciation and vocabulary through the Busuu app in University Learners. This study identified students’ perceptions about the utility of Busuu in learning vocabulary and working pronunciation in preservice teachers. The information was gathered using the quantitative method to reach the result. It pretends to gather, analyze, and obtain beliefs and coincidences to properly show the data to support this vital research. The results indicated that students perceived Busuu increased their vocabulary through activities such as exercises, visual aids and exercises shared with Busuu users. Then, participants reported that Busuu helped them improve their pronunciation through the materials in the Busuu app, like videos and sounds. Moreover, students enjoyed using Busuu, finding it a fun and less stressful learning tool. Students generally agreed that the Busuu app improved their vocabulary and pronunciation skills, aided by its comprehensive features and materials. In addition, university learners perceive Busuu as a good tool for increasing vocabulary and working on pronunciation through its diverse and engaging content. Finally, it is very suggested that teachers and students use the Busuu app as a tool to increase vocabulary and work on pronunciation or for any other purpose in learning process".
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