Situated learning and communities of practice: telesecundaria teachers’ perceptions. A case of study

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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
"The following research deals with the use of the situated learning approach in English language teaching. This approach arises from Lave and Wenger's theory (1991), where they state that learning is meaningful if it takes place in a real context, performing activities from the learner's real life and relating it with culture. Therefore, in order to verify this theory and to have an argumentation about it, this study was conducted with the purpose of exploring and analyzing whether teachers create communities of practice in the classroom through situated learning approach and which are the strategies to carry it out. The participants in this study were Telesecundaria teachers who responded to an interview as a research instrument. This process was carried out in the municipality of Guadalupe. Victoria, Pue. As key questions for the research, they were asked about the strategies they use to form a community of practice in the classroom as well as the advantages and disadvantages of applying this theory in their teaching. Finally, how good they consider situated learning for the progress of students. Further analysis of the participants' responses revealed their perceptions and experiences of this issue".
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