The intercultural and interlinguistic experiences of translators: a narrative inquiry study

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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
"This investigation emerged from our curiosity about different aspects related with translators and their preparation to develop this profession, such as knowledge, abilities, difficulties, problems and at the same time to put focus on their important work. All these characteristics have to be obtained through their intercultural experiences, which help us like novices to have an idea about being a translator and get concept´s categorization with the purpose to create a guide of the processes in order to help interested people in translation or even to become a translator. Narrative inquiry is a suitable method for this research, in this case it has a qualitative paradigm to obtain intercultural experiences of the translators through an interview as an instrument which threw a variety of advices or recommendations, interaction and solution of problems related with linguistic understanding or misunderstanding. Also, the participants mentioned the knowledge of determined culture as an important part to understand people's thoughts, communities or ethnic groups and the vast knowledge of subjects related with the translation’s areas".
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