An analysis of student uptake in response to feedback on writing in the tronco común universitario
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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
"This is a comprehensive study of student uptake in response to writing feedback by TCU
English students in first level at the Escuela de Música at the Benemérita Univerisdad
Autónoma de Puebla. The feedback was provided for a directed writing task. The study
analyzed the manner in which nine students modified their writing after receiving written
feedback from the course instructor. The results demonstrated that feedback on writing from
the course instructor did result in student uptake to various degrees depending on the type of
feedback that was provided. Very direct feedback from the teacher usually resulted in very
direct uptake from the students. On the other hand, less direct feedback resulted in less certain
results in response to student uptake. Errors within the student writing that was not
highlighted or commented upon in any way by the teacher was never addressed by the
students, which suggests that feedback on writing does not necessarily lead to increased
editing by students beyond the feedback that course instructors provide."