A quantitative study of the certifications’ importance in the translation field
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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
“As beginner translators, most of the graduate students from the BUAP who are interested in doing a successful living as professional translators seem to be unable to assure the fulfilling of the requirements that it demands. For this reason, the purpose of this research is threefold. firstly, to compare and analyze the results of two questions of a survey called Encuesta del perfil del traductor profesional en México (Survey of the profile of the professional translator in Mexico), conducted by the Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación (DTI) (2014) from the UNAM, with the results of a question from a questionnaire designed by the author of this research that was applied in 2015 to a small group of Mexican translators, in order to know their opinions about the importance that a certification in translation has for them in the translators´ profile. Secondly, To compare the amount of certified translators and non-certified translators between the mentioned instruments so that it be possible to set a percentage of certified translators in Mexico. Finally, under the point of view of the 20 translators contacted for the researcher of this project, to set the reasons of the lack of certified translators in Mexico”.
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