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Tesis de licenciatura 1,2-propanodiol en dietas para alimentación de cabras lecheras sobre la producción y calidad de la leche(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2022-12) Cruz Rodríguez, Daniel; CASTRO GONZALEZ, NUMA POMPILIO; 245806; PEREZ SATO, MARCOS; 37460"La producción de leche caprina en México ha ido en aumento; dentro de la alimentación caprina se pueden llegar a utilizar aditivos como son los gluconeogénicos por sus características como precursores de glucosa. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de 1,2-propanodiol en la dieta de cabras lecheras sobre la producción y las características fisicoquímicas de la leche de cabra. Utilizando 24 cabras en el último tercio de gestación y tres meses de producción de la raza Saanen, las cuales fueron agrupadas aleatoriamente en tres tratamientos con diferentes porcentajes de inclusión (T1= 0%; T2= 1%; T3= 2%). Siendo alimentadas durante 125 días, midiendo; producción de leche, proteína, grasa, lactosa, pH, contenido de solidos totales y de solidos no grasos. La inclusión de 2% de 1,2-propanodiol (T3) aumentó la producción de leche (3.05kg d-1 ). Por otro lado, T2 y T3, tuvieron diferencias significativas (p0.05). Concluyendo que al utilizar 1,2-propanodiol al 2% en la alimentación de las cabras lecheras aumenta la producción de leche y al mismo tiempo mejora las características fisicoquímicas de la leche, por lo que podría ser una alternativa para aumentar y mejorar la producción de leche en sistemas caprinos de pequeños productores".Tesis de maestría 1989: año en que la izquierda optó por el olvido(2020-06) Rodríguez Linares, Eloy; SANCHEZ ESPINOZA, FRANCISCO; 35901“Un sector de estudiantes y profesores universitarios evidencian una ausencia de conciencia crítica cuando olvidan, por conveniencia, el origen de la carrera política de Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Por este motivo, es importante recordar la labor de activistas como Pablo Pascual Moncayo y Manuel Martínez Peláez, personas que dieron gran parte de su vida en la formación de un sindicato universitario no clientelar y en la construcción de un organismo electoral autónomo. Es un error pensar que toda la izquierda de nuestro país es autoritaria porque, en la década de los ochenta del siglo anterior, un sector de activistas y políticos entendió que una revolución generaría un régimen político antidemocrático. Por ejemplo, en relación a los intentos de organizar una guerrilla, Roger Bartra recuerda que, en 1961, buscó el apoyo de los campesinos para generar las bases de una nueva revolución. Activismo que combinó con el ambiente psicodélico de su generación”.Tesis de maestría 2-pseudocompacidad y C-compacidad en grupos paratopológicos(2015) Flores Guarneros, Silvia Varinia; FLORES GUARNEROS, SILVIA VARINIA; 551530; VILLA HERNANDEZ, DAVID; 47670“La idea de estudiar las estructuras algebraicas mediante la introducción de una cierta convergencia o, en términos modernos, una topología, tiene una larga tradición que se remonta al siglo diecinueve. De esta forma surgieron los grupos topológicos, definidos al inicio como grupos de Lie o como ciertos grupos de transformaciones analíticas de variedades euclidianas. En otras palabras, muchos de esos grupos aparecieron como grupos de simetrías de ciertos espacios de gran interés en aquel momento. Esta es la razón por la que los grupos topológicos son simétricos: la operación inversa es un homeomorfismo. Al inicio de los años treinta del siglo pasado, se produjo un avance impresionante en el desarrollo de este campo: Peter and Weyl probaron su famoso teorema sobre representaciones de grupos compactos, teorema que, a su vez, permitió a Pontryagin y van Kampen desarrollar la teoría de dualidad para grupos topológicos conmutativos localmente compactos. Son enormes las contribuciones a la teoría de los grupos topológicos realizadas en el siglo veinte. A grandes rasgos, las más importantes de estas contribuciones explotan la simetría de esta estructura, sin la cual los argumentos originales no funcionan”.Tesis de licenciatura 2nd language acquisition in a 2-year-old girl taught by her mexican mother (a case study)(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018-05) Maldonado Alarcón, Socorro"The purpose of this research is to follow a case study to describe, document, and analyze the process of development of English as a second language acquisition in a 3-year-old girl in order to determine the advantages acquiring English as a foreign language in the childhood period".Tesis de licenciatura 4 técnicas de blanqueamiento dental(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2017-12) Medellín López, Paula; Lemus Cortés, Aremy Mizraim“En el procedimiento de un blanqueamiento dental existen alteraciones o complicaciones que el profesional odontólogo puede evitar, conociendo el protocolo de un blanqueamiento, el cual, si no es manejado correctamente o no se conocen los diferentes blanqueadores que existen, el porcentaje o el contenido de el mismo, puede tener resultados desfavorecedores, o incluso dañar la salud bucal del paciente. Describir cuáles son los criterios de diagnóstico que debe tener el odontólogo para así poder seleccionar la técnica y el material adecuado al momento de llevar a cabo un tratamiento de blanqueamiento dental para cada paciente. Mencionar las indicaciones y contraindicaciones de cada técnica de blanqueamiento. Detallar el proceso químico producido por el agente blanqueador para que sea posible el cambio de coloración del diente La investigación se realiza con el propósito de dar a conocer al odontólogo las diferentes técnicas acerca de cómo realizar un blanqueamiento dental óptimo, ya que actualmente este procedimiento ha tomado gran auge dentro de la odontología estética, es definitivamente un toque que le brinda al paciente la satisfacción de sentir seguridad y belleza”.Tesis de maestría Las 5s de la calidad como mejora organizacional en la PYME poblana: caso confecciones “San José”.(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018-08) Acle Mena, Elías Guillermo; LARIOS GOMEZ, EMIGDIO; 216409“Los 5 principios básicos del pensamiento esbelto son los siguientes: 1. Define el valor desde el punto de vista del cliente: La mayoría de los clientes quieren comprar una solución, no un producto o servicio. 2. Identifica la corriente de valor: Eliminar desperdicios encontrando pasos que no agregan valor, algunos son inevitables y otros son eliminados inmediatamente. 3. Crea Flujo: Haciendo que todo el proceso fluya suave y directamente de un paso que agregue valor a otro, desde la materia prima hasta el consumidor. 45 4. Produzca el “Jale” del Cliente: Una vez hecho el flujo, serán capaces de producir por órdenes de los clientes en vez de producir basado en pronósticos de ventas a largo plazo. 5. Persiga la perfección: Una vez que una empresa consigue los primeros cuatro pasos, se vuelve claro para aquellos que están involucrados, que añadir eficiencia siempre es posible (Field, 2002)”.Tesis de licenciatura A case study exploring how individual differences, social and psychological factors affect a group of foreign students at Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla(2020-03) Hernández Palacios, Jessica“Exchange programs are recognized to provide great opportunities to learn a languages and culture. According to Freed, “It has been assumed that the combination of immersion in the native speech community, combined with formal classroom learning, creates the best environment for learning a second language” (2015,p1). Each year thousands of students depart looking for education abroad experiences with the expectation of being “fluent” in the target languages living and studying in a natural context having a cultural exchange and enriching their global vision. During the SLA (Second Language Acquisition) process emerge different aspects affecting positively and negatively their learning process that is why it is important to explore and understand how second language acquisition works, for this reason it is important to establish the individual differences, social and psychological factors’ role on SLA, the analysis of each factor has the purpose of exploring its influence in the success or failure of second language acquisition. Second language acquisition process has been one of the most important and studied by linguists through time, Krashen (1985) pointed out that: Second language acquisition is the product of a subconscious process very similar to the process children utilize when they acquire their first language. It requires meaningful interaction in the target language - natural communication.”Tesis de licenciatura A case study exploring the differences reported between adult and child L2 learners(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2015-05) Cozatl Tepanecatl, Christian; WITTEN, MICHAEL THOMAS; 250791"The current research is concerned with how age affects foreign language learning. The importance of the students‟ age is a vital factor that intervenes in this process (Ellis, 1989). Learning a foreign language could be more or less successful depending on the maturity of the person. Age is a factor in the foreign language learning process that is sometimes not understood by course instructors and insufficient attention is often given to the age of the learner. A second language (L2) according to Sharwood Smith (1994) stands as a cover term for any language other than the first language learned by a given learner or a group of learners a) irrespective of the type of learning environment and b) irrespective of the number of the other non-native languages possessed by the learner. Krashen (1982) maintained that adult second- language learners have at their disposal two distinct and independent ways of developing competence in a second language acquisition, which is a “subconscious process identical in all important ways to the process children utilize in acquiring their first language” and learning which is a “conscious process” that results in knowing about the knowledge."Tesis A case study of a private higher education institution’s promotional discourse in Puebla: a multimodal analysis(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018-01) Rojas Enriquez, Jorge; ROJAS ENRIQUEZ, JORGE; 685700; WITTEN, MICHAEL THOMAS; 250791Higher education institutions are in charge of forming professional people to contribute to the growth of society. They offer a wide variety of educational options from which students can choose according to their future ambitions. In order to create an ideology and identity and to disseminate their messages to attract the public and potential students’ attention they make use of different media resources. In the post-modern world, technology has become the main means of communication.Tesis de maestría A Case study of a private higher education institution’s promotional discourse in Puebla: A multimodal analysis(2018-01) Rojas Enriquez, Jorge; ROJAS ENRIQUEZ, JORGE; 685700“UDLAP makes use of different and interesting resources that are multimodally textualized to express an institutional identity and to convey its ideology. The resources also reflect how UDLAP conceptualizes knowledge, its acquisition and transmission and the imminent use of technology inside the classroom today to promote autonomous learning, a different students-teacher relation and at the same time they reflect the social construction of knowledge. In addition, there is use of cultural resources. For instance, one of their most striking billboard was the one in which candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton appear (Figure 4.5.1). By using this cultural/political token the institution shows a sort of social concern regarding the implications for Mexico either Trump or Hillary won the elections. Some other cultural resources are seen in Figure 4.3.1. Although difficult to recognize, some colonial-like buildings are presented. We believe that they represent part of the history of Puebla”.Tesis de maestría A case study on gender and writing in an elementary school: writing for a gender-specific audience(2020-02) Palacios Salazar, Ana María; WITTEN, MICHAEL THOMAS; 250791“This thesis reports on a case study on gender and writing by comparing and analyzing stories written by six-year-old children focus on a specific audience. The study was carried out by taking advantage of an interest in gender research. Its primary aim was to identify how girls and boys try to accomplish the female and male reading necessities when becoming writers and trying to write stories for them and what characteristic these stories exhibit. Moreover, the study subject was to see if the process of gender skewing would feature in the stories and how gender roles influence them with their decisions about what to include on them. The research findings revealed that it was clear from the discussion with the children and their written stories that the majority of the children had clear ideas about what sort of stories girls and boys find interesting. They all seemed keen to demonstrate their awareness of gender roles to others.Children need to know that they conform to the roles assigned them and boys, in particular, do not like to be associated with anything they consider to be feminine, nevertheless, girls tend to think that equality must be present in their stories.”Tesis de licenciatura A classroom research with five year olds using visual materials(2016-03) Chávez Bolaños, Irais; Mora Pérez, Juan Carlos; Estudillo León, Leticia“The aim of this research is to evaluate the use of adapted materials to develop the speaking skills with 3rd graders. This research was carried out by using a qualitative approach. It was completed through five classes and observations in order to realize what was the impact that visual materials had on third graders and if the use of materials foster children to speak. This research was carried out in a public school named “Estancia infaltil y preescolar Margarita Torres”. Five lesson plans were applied, containing the materials that we intended to adapt, and the observations based on field notes in order to evaluate in detail what the students’ reactions were. Based on the observations and the lesson plans, materials had a meaningful impact on children learning, students were able to use vocabulary words to produce the language and say complete sentences. The results were produced by the motivation obtained through the adaptation of visual material and the way that we developed these materials for several activities and topics. Students reacted positively at the moment of presenting the materials; even when the materials were already used for other activities. This project can be a reference for students, teachers and further researchers.”Tesis de licenciatura A comparative study between the translation strategies used by students from two curricular programs at a Ba in Translation(2014-09) Olmos García, Jannet; RIVERA CUAYAHUITL, ELIPHELET; 221316“In the process of translating documents, new translators may follow different paths to accomplish their goals. In this regard this study explores the strategies that students belonging to two different plans (curriculums) on a BA in translation followed to do translation work. Drawing on interview data the study examines the knowledge the students hold about translation theories and how such knowledge is implemented in their translation practices. The study examines two groups of students studying under two different curricular plans (The Fenix and Minerva plans). Findings show significant differences and similarities between the two groups of students’ awareness about translation theories and the actual procedures they followed in their translation practices”.Tesis de licenciatura A comparison of english-spanish sound systems in a group of students of third semester LEI-Facultad de Lenguas students(2016-09) Mendoza López, Ángel Abraham; MENDEZ GARCIA, ELBA; 250739“Sometimes pronunciation in english results a little difficult for people who are not familiar with the pronunciation patterns of the language. Also, because people follow mother tongue pronunciation patterns when articulating sounds in a foreign language. The process of english as a foreign language (EFL) acquisition is markedly different from native-language patterns. Exposure to English language and contact with native speakers is important to improve pronunciation. It is related that contact with english language influences the way a non-native speaker pronounces in a better way english language than people that are not exposed to the language. Talking about phonetics and phonology it is assumed that spanish speakers that learn english as a foreign language frequently, make less mistakes than others that are not so exposed to english language. To illustrate, english sounds produced by a group of LEI-students of third semester in Facultad de Lenguas of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla will be compared with a native english speaker in order to identify the pronunciation patterns of each, and to prove if his/her first language influences in the foreign language acquisition”.Tesis de licenciatura A comparison of second language acquisition perceptions in an immersion context as opposed to a foreign context(2021-05-19) De La Fuente Gómez, Clara Griselle“This investigation seeks to highlight a central feature of the process of English learning, namely, the context where learning takes place. From my personal experience and that classmates and friends have shared with me about learning English language, some problems of understanding are present as well as different issues in speaking, writing, listening or reading skills in specific contexts. These issues led me to wonder if students that have learnt English in an immersed context, as immigrants that live in the USA, present similar issues or problems when acquiring the English language. And, if they share the same motivations that university students have. The context where learning takes place seems to be determinant in the success of} learning. Some university students present issues regarding their English proficiency and cannot speak in an efficient way but also those students who live in the U.S. A. Therefore, the question remains; is it better learning English as a foreign or as a second language? Generally, it is thought that students that have lived in the U.S.A. have better opportunities to find better jobs or better opportunities as well as acquiring the language in a better way since they are in constant interaction with native speakers and the environment”.Tesis de licenciatura A conjunction analysis of argumentative essays(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2014-03) Jiménez Tlilayatzin, Juan Carlos; JIMENEZ TLILAYATZIN, JUAN CARLOS; 668372"According to Halliday & Hasan (1976), cohesion is the result of the relation between two elements mutually presupposing. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the cohesive devices and the inconsistencies involved in the realization of adversative and causal relations in a sample of eleven argumentative essays written by undergraduate non-native speakers. To so do, an elicitation technique was used in order to get preliminary data. Then, it was analyzed according to Halliday & Hassan‘s cohesion analysis model. Because it shows the type and distance of the cohesive relation, this model gave us a comprehensive glance at the cohesive features of the sample. For instance, lexical relations were unexpectedly predominant, and it was discovered that the cohesive inconsistencies resulted from the use of inadequate or unnecessary forms, and from non-concordant presupposed elements. This information will be useful to reach a better understanding of the writing process and the development of more accurate teaching strategies".Tesis de maestría A critical examination of the imperialist discourse “English as a necessity for success” and its (re)production in the Mexican context(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2021-11) Díaz Cabrera, Astrid; WITTEN, MICHAEL THOMAS; 250791"This thesis aims to critically explore the type of discourses that have become prevalent in convincing non-native speakers of English into believing that this language is a gateway requirement for economic and social prosperity in postmodern Mexico. This research also aims to examine how English as a Foreign Language learners in Mexico report the role that the ideological tenets of these discourses have played in their lives as non-native speakers who need English to attain certain professional and social goals to achieve “success”. The critical analysis of the language policy discourse uncovered some interesting patterns employed by the policymakers to devise the policy and inculcate English as foreign language implementation in the Mexican educational system, i.e., English as a necessity for better employment opportunities, international communication, business, social mobility, and equality and inclusiveness. Subsequently, English language learners were interviewed to explore the extent to which they reproduce the discourses of ‘English as a necessity for success’ and to what extent they confirm the ‘validity’ of the discourses uncovered on the Mexican national language policy. The interviews analysis revealed that the discourses generate different expectations that might open the door for some yet become quite problematic for most".Tesis de maestría A cross-linguistic study of the pragmatics of requests by students of the ba english teaching proramam at BUAP(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2020) Maldonado Morales, Jacob; Flores Salgado, Elizabeth; MALDONADO MORALES, JACOB; 374278; FLORES SALGADO, ELIZABETH; 250821“At present, we are living in a globalized world where communication between people from different countries using a lingua franca or a second language is becoming a common phenomenon. Crystal (2003) indicates that English is now the first global lingua franca and that it is probably affecting various areas, from daily news to education. We have to remark that individuals speak and use different languages depending on the society they belong to in spite of the influence of a lingua franca (Mahmoud, 2014). This makes people acquire a language and its system features, both linguistic and pragmatic, based on their daily communicative encounters (Diaz Perez, 2001). For this reason, the process of learning a second language is definitely seen as an interesting area of study, since it becomes relevant not only for understanding linguistic components like grammar rules or syntax, but also to figure out how well language learners perform in real communicative contexts by conveying messages successfully while using a foreign language as well as the relationship between the language use and the communicative encounters. Therefore, the concepts competent speaker, communicative competence as well as pragmatic competence gain importance in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in academic contexts. Then, it is imperative to define who a competent speaker.”Tesis de maestría A cross-sectional study on l2 pragmatic development: The case of compliments in english(2020-02) Flores Martínez, Julio Alejandro“For several decades, there has been a growing interest in pragmatics as a theoretically and/or empirically based discipline in order to understand the linguistic and extra linguistic means that language users employ to communicate in everyday interaction. The study of pragmatics has been of paramount importance to understand how interlocutors construct meaning in particular situational contexts. From the various aspects which have been studied within pragmatics (e.g., deixis, entailment, implicature, impoliteness, mitigation, politeness, presupposition), speech acts have been by far the most widely researched and documented in the literatura. In the field of interlanguage pragmatics, the study of speech acts as performed by native and non-native speakers of a language has served to chiefly examine non-native speech act behavior (both comprehension and production), at various stages of language proficiency, and in different social situations (Cohen, 1996; Ishihara & Cohen, 2010). The speech acts studied so far comprise requests, apologies, refusals, compliments, suggestions, expressions of gratitude, invitations, rejections, expressions of disagreement, corrections, and complaints (Culpeper, Mackey & Taguchi, 2018; Kasper, 1996). The results of such studies indicate that language learners with different language backgrounds and at different proficiency levels have access to the same range of speech act strategies as native speakers.”Tesis de licenciatura A descriptive study of a needs analysis in ESP for Criminology students(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2021-06) Marín Pliego, Ilse Cecilia; Galiote Mendoza, Andrés"Criminology students need to get a proficient English level in their professional field when they join the job market in an international context. Research has shown that there exists a significant and wide gap between what students in higher education are able to achieve in English Foreign Language and what truly is designed in a syllabus. This study aims to explore and identify the specific English language needs that the BUAP Criminology students have. Based on a review of literature on needs analysis and its approaches, this study was conducted by qualitative research and also a descriptive methodology applying a questionnaire. This instrument was provided by e-mail to thirty BUAP criminology students who were asked to respond to eleven closed-ended and open-ended questions using different types of likert scales. Analysis of the responses demonstrates that criminology students´ necessities are not successfully covered in order to learn effectively English Foreign Language and apply it in a real international job context. The findings indicate that EFL courses incorporated in the Criminology BA do not fulfill the students´ requirements, and on this basis, it is recommended that ESP programs are implemented based on the needs analysis of students".