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Tesis de Maestría
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Tesis de maestría 1989: año en que la izquierda optó por el olvido(2020-06) Rodríguez Linares, Eloy; SANCHEZ ESPINOZA, FRANCISCO; 35901“Un sector de estudiantes y profesores universitarios evidencian una ausencia de conciencia crítica cuando olvidan, por conveniencia, el origen de la carrera política de Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Por este motivo, es importante recordar la labor de activistas como Pablo Pascual Moncayo y Manuel Martínez Peláez, personas que dieron gran parte de su vida en la formación de un sindicato universitario no clientelar y en la construcción de un organismo electoral autónomo. Es un error pensar que toda la izquierda de nuestro país es autoritaria porque, en la década de los ochenta del siglo anterior, un sector de activistas y políticos entendió que una revolución generaría un régimen político antidemocrático. Por ejemplo, en relación a los intentos de organizar una guerrilla, Roger Bartra recuerda que, en 1961, buscó el apoyo de los campesinos para generar las bases de una nueva revolución. Activismo que combinó con el ambiente psicodélico de su generación”.Tesis de maestría 2-pseudocompacidad y C-compacidad en grupos paratopológicos(2015) Flores Guarneros, Silvia Varinia; FLORES GUARNEROS, SILVIA VARINIA; 551530; VILLA HERNANDEZ, DAVID; 47670“La idea de estudiar las estructuras algebraicas mediante la introducción de una cierta convergencia o, en términos modernos, una topología, tiene una larga tradición que se remonta al siglo diecinueve. De esta forma surgieron los grupos topológicos, definidos al inicio como grupos de Lie o como ciertos grupos de transformaciones analíticas de variedades euclidianas. En otras palabras, muchos de esos grupos aparecieron como grupos de simetrías de ciertos espacios de gran interés en aquel momento. Esta es la razón por la que los grupos topológicos son simétricos: la operación inversa es un homeomorfismo. Al inicio de los años treinta del siglo pasado, se produjo un avance impresionante en el desarrollo de este campo: Peter and Weyl probaron su famoso teorema sobre representaciones de grupos compactos, teorema que, a su vez, permitió a Pontryagin y van Kampen desarrollar la teoría de dualidad para grupos topológicos conmutativos localmente compactos. Son enormes las contribuciones a la teoría de los grupos topológicos realizadas en el siglo veinte. A grandes rasgos, las más importantes de estas contribuciones explotan la simetría de esta estructura, sin la cual los argumentos originales no funcionan”.Tesis de maestría Las 5s de la calidad como mejora organizacional en la PYME poblana: caso confecciones “San José”.(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018-08) Acle Mena, Elías Guillermo; LARIOS GOMEZ, EMIGDIO; 216409“Los 5 principios básicos del pensamiento esbelto son los siguientes: 1. Define el valor desde el punto de vista del cliente: La mayoría de los clientes quieren comprar una solución, no un producto o servicio. 2. Identifica la corriente de valor: Eliminar desperdicios encontrando pasos que no agregan valor, algunos son inevitables y otros son eliminados inmediatamente. 3. Crea Flujo: Haciendo que todo el proceso fluya suave y directamente de un paso que agregue valor a otro, desde la materia prima hasta el consumidor. 45 4. Produzca el “Jale” del Cliente: Una vez hecho el flujo, serán capaces de producir por órdenes de los clientes en vez de producir basado en pronósticos de ventas a largo plazo. 5. Persiga la perfección: Una vez que una empresa consigue los primeros cuatro pasos, se vuelve claro para aquellos que están involucrados, que añadir eficiencia siempre es posible (Field, 2002)”.Tesis A case study of a private higher education institution’s promotional discourse in Puebla: a multimodal analysis(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018-01) Rojas Enriquez, Jorge; ROJAS ENRIQUEZ, JORGE; 685700; WITTEN, MICHAEL THOMAS; 250791Higher education institutions are in charge of forming professional people to contribute to the growth of society. They offer a wide variety of educational options from which students can choose according to their future ambitions. In order to create an ideology and identity and to disseminate their messages to attract the public and potential students’ attention they make use of different media resources. In the post-modern world, technology has become the main means of communication.Tesis de maestría A Case study of a private higher education institution’s promotional discourse in Puebla: A multimodal analysis(2018-01) Rojas Enriquez, Jorge; ROJAS ENRIQUEZ, JORGE; 685700“UDLAP makes use of different and interesting resources that are multimodally textualized to express an institutional identity and to convey its ideology. The resources also reflect how UDLAP conceptualizes knowledge, its acquisition and transmission and the imminent use of technology inside the classroom today to promote autonomous learning, a different students-teacher relation and at the same time they reflect the social construction of knowledge. In addition, there is use of cultural resources. For instance, one of their most striking billboard was the one in which candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton appear (Figure 4.5.1). By using this cultural/political token the institution shows a sort of social concern regarding the implications for Mexico either Trump or Hillary won the elections. Some other cultural resources are seen in Figure 4.3.1. Although difficult to recognize, some colonial-like buildings are presented. We believe that they represent part of the history of Puebla”.Tesis de maestría A case study on gender and writing in an elementary school: writing for a gender-specific audience(2020-02) Palacios Salazar, Ana María; WITTEN, MICHAEL THOMAS; 250791“This thesis reports on a case study on gender and writing by comparing and analyzing stories written by six-year-old children focus on a specific audience. The study was carried out by taking advantage of an interest in gender research. Its primary aim was to identify how girls and boys try to accomplish the female and male reading necessities when becoming writers and trying to write stories for them and what characteristic these stories exhibit. Moreover, the study subject was to see if the process of gender skewing would feature in the stories and how gender roles influence them with their decisions about what to include on them. The research findings revealed that it was clear from the discussion with the children and their written stories that the majority of the children had clear ideas about what sort of stories girls and boys find interesting. They all seemed keen to demonstrate their awareness of gender roles to others.Children need to know that they conform to the roles assigned them and boys, in particular, do not like to be associated with anything they consider to be feminine, nevertheless, girls tend to think that equality must be present in their stories.”Tesis de maestría A critical examination of the imperialist discourse “English as a necessity for success” and its (re)production in the Mexican context(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2021-11) Díaz Cabrera, Astrid; WITTEN, MICHAEL THOMAS; 250791"This thesis aims to critically explore the type of discourses that have become prevalent in convincing non-native speakers of English into believing that this language is a gateway requirement for economic and social prosperity in postmodern Mexico. This research also aims to examine how English as a Foreign Language learners in Mexico report the role that the ideological tenets of these discourses have played in their lives as non-native speakers who need English to attain certain professional and social goals to achieve “success”. The critical analysis of the language policy discourse uncovered some interesting patterns employed by the policymakers to devise the policy and inculcate English as foreign language implementation in the Mexican educational system, i.e., English as a necessity for better employment opportunities, international communication, business, social mobility, and equality and inclusiveness. Subsequently, English language learners were interviewed to explore the extent to which they reproduce the discourses of ‘English as a necessity for success’ and to what extent they confirm the ‘validity’ of the discourses uncovered on the Mexican national language policy. The interviews analysis revealed that the discourses generate different expectations that might open the door for some yet become quite problematic for most".Tesis de maestría A cross-linguistic study of the pragmatics of requests by students of the ba english teaching proramam at BUAP(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2020) Maldonado Morales, Jacob; Flores Salgado, Elizabeth; MALDONADO MORALES, JACOB; 374278; FLORES SALGADO, ELIZABETH; 250821“At present, we are living in a globalized world where communication between people from different countries using a lingua franca or a second language is becoming a common phenomenon. Crystal (2003) indicates that English is now the first global lingua franca and that it is probably affecting various areas, from daily news to education. We have to remark that individuals speak and use different languages depending on the society they belong to in spite of the influence of a lingua franca (Mahmoud, 2014). This makes people acquire a language and its system features, both linguistic and pragmatic, based on their daily communicative encounters (Diaz Perez, 2001). For this reason, the process of learning a second language is definitely seen as an interesting area of study, since it becomes relevant not only for understanding linguistic components like grammar rules or syntax, but also to figure out how well language learners perform in real communicative contexts by conveying messages successfully while using a foreign language as well as the relationship between the language use and the communicative encounters. Therefore, the concepts competent speaker, communicative competence as well as pragmatic competence gain importance in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in academic contexts. Then, it is imperative to define who a competent speaker.”Tesis de maestría A cross-sectional study on l2 pragmatic development: The case of compliments in english(2020-02) Flores Martínez, Julio Alejandro“For several decades, there has been a growing interest in pragmatics as a theoretically and/or empirically based discipline in order to understand the linguistic and extra linguistic means that language users employ to communicate in everyday interaction. The study of pragmatics has been of paramount importance to understand how interlocutors construct meaning in particular situational contexts. From the various aspects which have been studied within pragmatics (e.g., deixis, entailment, implicature, impoliteness, mitigation, politeness, presupposition), speech acts have been by far the most widely researched and documented in the literatura. In the field of interlanguage pragmatics, the study of speech acts as performed by native and non-native speakers of a language has served to chiefly examine non-native speech act behavior (both comprehension and production), at various stages of language proficiency, and in different social situations (Cohen, 1996; Ishihara & Cohen, 2010). The speech acts studied so far comprise requests, apologies, refusals, compliments, suggestions, expressions of gratitude, invitations, rejections, expressions of disagreement, corrections, and complaints (Culpeper, Mackey & Taguchi, 2018; Kasper, 1996). The results of such studies indicate that language learners with different language backgrounds and at different proficiency levels have access to the same range of speech act strategies as native speakers.”Tesis de maestría A dónde vas? el trabajo del socio conductor en México y Puebla(2002-12) Chávez Hernández, Luis Carlos; LO BRUTTO, GIUSEPPE; 308845“La presente investigación surge a partir de una experiencia propia laborando para la plataforma Rappi en 2018, al concluir mis estudios de licenciatura y presentar la tesis en enero de ese año, me vi en la necesidad de buscar un empleo para obtener un ingreso. Sin muchas opciones en el mercado dado que no poseía el título y ante la necesidad de generar un ingreso de manera inmediata, mi hermano me recomendó trabajar para una aplicación de reparto llamada Rappi para resolver de manera temporal mi falta de ingreso. Con un celular prestado, una bicicleta que no era mía y una mochila que también me prestaron me registré en la aplicación de repartidores de Rappi; para complementar el registro asistí a una plática para que me explicaran los servicios que proveía la aplicación Rappi. Me sorprendió el número de personas presentes en aquella sala en el momento de la charla, creí que éramos solamente unas pocas personas que se empleaban en estos trabajos pero la sorpresa fue observar a 40 personas entre un rango de 20 hasta 40 años en una sala preparados para trabajar con sus motos, equipo de protección y mochilas una vez terminada la plática y completado el registro”Tesis de maestría A mixed-method research on thesis supervision and research productivity in a Physics/Mathematics University faculty(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018-08) Amaro Ensaldo, Abril; AMARO ENSALDO, ABRIL; 546040“Research productivity (RP) and thesis supervision are two extremely important tasks for for academics and high education institutions. In an attempt to shed more light on processes associated with RP this mixed method correlational study investigated the possible relationships between thesis supervision and RP of research active physics and math academics in a Mexican higher education institution. For the purpose of this study, thesis supervision and research productivity were linked with two variables: the number of theses successfully supervised to completion and the number of years in thesis supervision. Research data were collected via academics’ PRODEP curriculum. This research also focused on academics’ beliefs, strategies and emotions about thesis supervision. The data for this portion of the study were collected through interviews following the Elicitation Array Protocol. The findings from this study revealed that the years in thesis supervision and RP were shown to have a positive correlation between thesis supervision and RP. It was also shown that the number of theses successfully supervised by the participants was the variable with the strongest positive correlation with RP”.Tesis de maestría A multimodal analysis of Mexican political memes: a trend or a way to communicate big ideas(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2020-01) Jiménez López, José Alfredo; JIMENEZ LOPEZ, JOSE ALFREDO; 845279"The purpose of this investigation is to analyze how Mexicans expressed their ideologies through the use of memes during the presidential Mexican elections in 2018. In more general terms, this project will study how people in the global village take advantage of the use of technology in order to share ideas, feelings or emotions, providing substantial evidence in relation to the use of memes as a way to communicate information worldwide. Human beings first made their appearance on earth around 2.5 million years ago. Since then, communication has evolved from grunts, growls and gestures to words, sentences and different languages and various semiotic modes. Contemporary society has been part of a massive expansion in the way people communicate with each other, from postal service, telephone calls to the use of the internet to make either video calls or sending and receiving data instantly worldwide. In general, those are the reasons why this era is known as the Information Age. Consequently, worldwide communication is creating a global group, referred to as the era of globalization".Tesis A multimodal analysis of political billboards in the poblano context: the textualization of state politics in central Mexico(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2018-01) Blanco Barroso, Andrea; BLANCO BARROSO, ANDREA; 691132; WITTEN, MICHAEL THOMAS; 250791This M.A. thesis proposes to analyze the political discourse of the multimodal texts that the two major political parties involved in the 2016 Puebla gubernatorial election produced and extensively distributed through the medium of billboards in a statewide election. The thesis is part of a larger study which investigates how political parties express their particular ideologies, construct social identities and construct power relations through the medium of billboards in a nationwide political campaign (Witten, Castineira and Flores, 2013). The study intends to examine the role that billboards play in the construction and dissemination of political propaganda in Mexican state-wide politics and provide a discussion of how social actors make use of these multimodal texts. In order to accomplish these goals, the investigation performs a multimodal discourse analysis on a series of photographs of the gubernatorial billboards that were collected during the campaign period from april 3rd to June 5th, 2016. Multimodal discourse analysis refers to a type of analysis that goes beyond the linguistic elements of a text and considers additional modes being employed such as visual images, color, page layout, sound effects and more (Kress & van Leuween, 2001; 2006). Because this investigation analyzes texts that are highly multimodal in nature, multimodality and multimodal analysis are important tools in exploring how text producers achieve their goals in disseminating political discourses.Tesis de maestría A multimodal analysis of political billboards in the poblano context: The textualization of state politics in central Mexico(2018-01) Blanco Barroso, Andrea; BLANCO BARROSO, ANDREA; 691132“With this investigation, we have contributed to the field of multimodal, multisemiotic discourse analysis by addressing billboards in a gubernatorial campaign in central mexico which has not been explored before. We have carried out this study based on the little investigations focused on multimodal, multisemiotic discourse analysis regarding billboards in political campains done before combining analytical frameworks in order to explore the multimodal nature of this type propaganda in political discourse. We have demonstrated this study has been carried out combining analytical frameworks. We have explored this study by using the three-dimensional framework provided by of Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995). We have demonstrated that in order to describe and interpret billboards using Fairclough’s (1992a, 1995), it is also necessary to analyze sociopolitical context in which political actors use multimodal discourse in billboards”.Tesis de maestría A multimodal exploration of classroom culture: a critical discourse analysis(2014-12) Herrera Arellano, Gema Elisa"This research adopts a sociocultural perspective on language and learning which considers the participation of students “in the kinds of activities our everyday lives comprise” as “both the product and the process of learning” (Zuengler & Miller, 2006, pp. 50-51). This way, the social practices of teaching might be carried out in a more “ecological” (Breen, 2001a) manner to suit the sociocultural context of a language classroom within the LEMO considering the different issues regarding students’ social realities and identities".Tesis de maestría A multimodal interaction analysis of rapport in elementary schools from central Mexico(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2021-09) Huerta Rojas, Wanda Alejandra"Rapport is a positive mutual relationship that is marked by affinity and harmony (Nadler, 2007). This paper aims to understand the way teachers from public and private elementary schools establish rapport with their students by exploring which and how gestures, influence the students’ behavior. This is a case study that uses an approach proposed by Norris (2004, 2011, 2016, 2019) named Multimodal Interaction Analysis. This research takes place in Central Mexico and four teachers from private and public schools were observed using a Rapport Observation Sheet that is a modified version of Pianta’s (1999) Teacher-Student Relationship Scale, and recordings were analyzed. Extracts and screenshots were taken from the recordings where the interactions show the establishment of rapport or the lack of it. Results show that the establishment of rapport increases students’ participation and engagement towards the class and their learning process. On the contrary, the lack of rapport establishment causes low class participation, decreases communication between teachers and students, and does not allow an enjoyable classroom atmosphere, neither for teachers nor for students. This project targets to shed some light on the importance of rapport building inside the student-teacher interactions in the primary school classroom".Tesis de maestría A nethnographic analysis of an online Mexican english teachers community(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2023-10) Barrientos Cantorán, Lucía; BARRIENTOS CANTORAN, LUCIA; 841042; JUAREZ GARCIA, LEONOR; 91753“As new technology is emerging, students are in contact with the changes, and they try to adapt them to the way they learn. For that reason, teachers need to find interesting content and activities where they implement the use of technology. Some teachers try to ask questions with their peers, and some others have found virtual communities where they ask and share tips, material, or activities. This study will be focused on netnography. This netnography research thesis aims to analyze an online community of Mexican English teachers. It has the purpose of exploring the values, interactions, and participation of the English teachers in that specific Facebook virtual community. As well as the benefits teachers have to join this type of sharing community, and if it is related to their teaching beliefs and practice. It also analyses the social impact that the virtual community provides to the members and how virtual reality impacts the teaching practice of the members of this online community”.Tesis de maestría A pragmatic analysis of requests and refusals as produced in Spanish and English: a case study of bilingual children(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2021-11) Sánchez Linares, Alma; FLORES SALGADO, ELIZABETH; 250821"Spanish - English native speakers have their own rules of conversation and interaction. Their culture dramatically influences the way people establish a conversation and how people make requests and refusals. Requests and refusals are complex, face-threatening speech acts, which are commonly present in communicative interactions. These types of speech acts frequently occur in the family context and require high-level, sophisticated politeness strategies when used by bilingual children. The purpose of this study is two-fold: firstly, to describe the most salient characteristics of how bilingual children make refusals and requests in English and Spanish. Secondly, to investigate whether their speech acts were appropriate in both languages. This case study investigation analysed 463 speech acts, 220 requests and 243 refusals, of two Mexican-British children aged 10 and 12, who have been raised as bilinguals at home. The data was gathered in the family domain through two situational instruments for English and Spanish".Tesis ¿A quién le importan los derechos sexuales y reproductivos? La incidencia de la sociedad civil en el reconocimiento de derechos en el contexto de Puebla(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2016-11) Pérez Saldaña, Tonalli Beatriz; PEREZ SALDAÑA, TONALLI BEATRIZ; 628140; LIST REYES, MAURICIO; 97748; BAUTISTA MORENO, QUETZALI; 270146; FUENTES PONCE, ADRIANA; 269384"La defensa y el reconocimiento de los derechos sexuales han sido temas fundamentales en la lucha por la igualdad y la dignidad de los individuos en diversas partes del mundo. En el contexto mexicano, y particularmente en la ciudad de Puebla, la última década ha sido testigo de un aumento significativo en las acciones de organizaciones y colectivos dedicados a promover los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Estos esfuerzos han estado dirigidos principalmente a visibilizar y proteger los derechos de las personas LGBTI, pero también han buscado sensibilizar a la sociedad en general sobre la importancia de reconocer la sexualidad como un derecho humano fundamental. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el impacto de las acciones de incidencia política de las organizaciones sociales en el reconocimiento y la defensa de los derechos sexuales en Puebla, y cómo estas acciones han contribuido a la construcción de una ciudadanía sexual en el contexto local".Tesis de maestría Abandono escolar en el sistema educativo en México derivado de la COVID-19 (2020-2022)(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2024-06) Flores Flores, Adelfa; AGUILAR BALDERAS, LIDIA; 37329"La presente investigación busca dimensionar la actual situación del sector educativo sobre el abandono escolar en nuestro país. Resulta relevante para analizar las causas y circunstancias en la que este fenómeno está afectando al sistema educativo mexicano al grado de limitar de manera significativa el desarrollo de los estudiantes, vulnerando su derecho irrestricto de recibir la instrucción de educación. El objetivo general de esta investigación consiste en analizar las causas del incremento del abandono escolar en el sistema educativo mexicano durante el aislamiento provocado por el periodo de la pandemia del COVID-19".